Ibis Mojo V4 Mountain Bike (Frameset Only)
Ibis Mojo V4 Mountain Bike (Frameset Only)
Ibis Mojo V4 Mountain Bike (Frameset Only)
Ibis Mojo V4 Mountain Bike (Frameset Only)
Ibis Mojo V4 Mountain Bike (Frameset Only)

Ibis Mojo V4 Mountain Bike (Frameset Only)

Regular price $4,950.00 Sale price $3,980.00
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Ibis Mojo V4 Mountain Bike

Price for full bikes will range from $7,500 to $16,700 depending on groupset and setup of choice.

Call or visit our Chapter 2 Cycle Store to check on stock availability and for more information on the bike.


The Mojo V4 fea­tures a 76.6-degree, get-you-up-that-hill seat tube angle, our short­est chain­stays, and a spa­cious reach with a 65.4-degree head­tube angle. This enchant­i­ng com­bi­na­tion rolls on 27.5” wheels, to deliv­er that hov­er­bike feel with on-trail confidence.


Since 2005, we’ve part­nered with sus­pen­sion guru Dave Wea­gle on the dw-link sus­pen­sion plat­form. It pro­vides an unpar­al­leled com­bi­na­tion of climb­ing effi­cien­cy and down­hill per­for­mance, which has been proven repeat­ed­ly at the high­est lev­els of racing.


Our cus­­tom-tuned sus­pen­sion fea­tures extra light high-speed com­pres­sion and rebound damp­ing to deliv­er unpar­al­leled trac­tion. When paired with our dw-link sus­pen­sion plat­form, Trac­tion Tune allows the Mojo to track like a big bike with­out com­pro­mis­ing crisp ped­al­ing per­for­mance. 


All four sizes have low stan­dover heights and short­ened seat tubes for long drop­per posts. Now you can choose your frame based on reach — rid­ers 5-feet tall eas­i­ly fit on a small and still enjoy a 125mm drop­per, while most medi­um and up rid­ers can enjoy a 185mm. All sizes fit a water bot­tle, and those look­ing to go pack­less can run our after­mar­ket Pork Chop bag.


Reduced-off­set forks give the front wheel greater sta­bil­i­ty at speed and an addi­tion­al sense of steadi­ness at slow speeds too. The Mojo is designed to excel in tech­ni­cal, demand­ing ter­rain, and the 37mm-off­set gives that extra bit of con­fi­dence and con­trol in the most chal­leng­ing situations.


The Mojo has clear­ance for 27.5”x2.6” tires. You can run over­built, chunky tires; you can run light, big vol­ume fast tires, but what­ev­er you run, know that you’re not lim­it­ed by width.


Tired of hit­ting pur­chase” on anoth­er set of bear­ings each sea­son? So were we. That’s why we use bush­ings where they make sense, and bear­ings where they don’t. The IGUS bush­ings in our low­er link are lighter and stiffer than bear­ings, and vir­tu­al­ly main­te­nance free. We believe so strong­ly in them, we back them with a free life­time replacement.


All our bikes are built from the high­est grade mate­ri­als and opti­mized for the best strength, weight, stiff­ness, and ride per­for­mance — no mat­ter how much you spend. The Mojo weighs a svelte 5.9 lbs with an inline shock and com­plete builds start at 26.7 lbs.


Bikes that look pret­ty on the out­side, should look pret­ty on the inside. We use car­bon fiber tubes mold­ed with­in each frame. Push the cable in, watch it pop out, a beau­ti­ful moment indeed.